Men's Perfumes

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Perfumes for men

In our store you can find all perfumes for men in the market. We have available for you the largest variety of brands of men's perfumes online. You can browse our website and discover that we have perfumes from the big luxury brands, such as cheap male perfumes. You can filter all these fragrances by price, olfactory family, most appropriate time of year or even the ideal time of day to put on this perfume. Also in every perfume you have available the full range of this, from deodorants to bath gels of your favorite male fragrance. Our perfume online store apart from offering you all the perfumes of the market along with all its line, for a greater comfort, we offer you also very complete lots of perfumery, in which you can combine in a single purchase your favorite masculine fragrance together with a variety of very wide complements, from body lotions to cosmetics, all of them with the scent of your perfume. Combining these products will make the fragrance of your perfume last much longer.

How to choose your masculine fragrance

The different characteristics of the male perfumes and the wide range of which you have in our perfume online shop complicate the choice. But not all fragrances are the same or for the same occasion. If you do not know what perfume you want to buy and want to discover new scents, what you should do is choose an olfactory family that goes with you. In our drop down you have them all and you can select yours. You can also select at what time of the year you will use it or time of day. Following these tips right in your masculine perfume.

Differences between eau de parfum, eau de toilette and cologne for men

Surely ever when going to buy your fragrance or favorite man's colony you have found that you have it available in several different formats, such as perfume, eau de parfum or eau de toilette and you have hesitated between them. The difference between all these nomenclatures of feminine or masculine perfumes is the concentration of essence:

Cologne: It is the lightest format and contains between 6 and 8% essence. It is perfect for the hottest times. The downside of this format is that the smell does not last long, so you'll have to apply it more continuously.
Eau de toilette: In this format the concentration of essence varies between 8 and 15%. The fragrances are fresh but increases the fixation with respect to the colonies. This format is ideal for use on hot days and in summer.
Eau de parfum: In this case the concentration of essence increases to 16-18% and the duration of the fragrance on our skin can reach a maximum of 6 hours. This is the ideal perfume format to use in winter, or if you work in an air-conditioned office this should also be your choice.